Field Recording


Linia radio cu microfon UWP-D11 ofera calitatea semnalului audio procesat digital in combinatie cu modulatia analogica FM. Pachetul contine transmitatorul de centura UTX-B03 si receptorul portabil URX-P03. Este inclus si un microfon lavaliera omni-directional si o serie de accesorii precum protectia anti-vant, clestele pentru microfon, clema pentru centura si adaptorul pentru patina. Pachetul UWP-D11 ofera o gama larga de frecvente, pana la latimea de banda de 72 MHz (in functie de zona) pe o selectie de canale. Dimensiunea redusa o face potrivita pentru orice camera video sau DSLR, permite selectia automata a canalului de comunicatie, iesire de casti, conexiune USB alimentare si intrare de linie.

Includes receiver, CL100 cable, & ME2 mic. 



RODELink represents the next generation of digital wireless systems. Using a Series II 2.4GHz digital transmission with 128-bit encryption, it can constantly monitor and hop between frequencies to maintain the strongest possible signal level at a range of up to 100 meters* (over 100 yards). The RODELink Filmmaker Kit provides everything you need to start shooting video wirelessly, including a receiver, transmitter, and broadcast-grade lavalier microphone. The receiver (RX-CAM) features an OLED display with information on level, battery status (receiver and transmitter), mute and channel selection. The unit can be mounted on a standard camera shoe mount, 3/8" thread or belt clip, and for added versatility, the shoe mount can be located in one of two positions. The lightweight transmitter (TX-BELT) can be fitted to a belt or clothing and features a locking thread to ensure the microphone connection is as secure as possible. RODE has included an omnidirectional lavalier microphone in the kit to provide the highest possible audio reproduction quality.

Includes receiver,Lavalier mic. jack to xlr cable


G4 B-BAND 606-648

The Sennheiser EW 112P G4 camera-mount wireless lavalier microphone system features the proven combination of reliability, flexible control, and broadcast-quality sound that has made the EW Series an industry standard for videographers, journalists, and content creators all over the world.
The EW 112P G4 gives you the tools to adapt and meet the wireless challenges that inevitably arise on set. The frequency scan function automatically searches for the cleanest frequency at your location, while the adjustable input sensitivity on the transmitter accommodates mic levels ranging from booming voices to quiet speech, and even line-level audio.
The system includes the improved ME 2-II omnidirectional lavalier mic, a bodypack transmitter, and a camera-mount receiver. It connects to a camcorder or a DSLR/mirrorless camera to capture crisp-sounding speech or dialog for projects ranging from documentaries to wedding videos, corporate spots, and hands-free interviews.
The EW 112P G4 is backward-compatible with previous evolution systems, giving you the ability to mix and match G4/G3/G2/G1 receivers or bodypack, handheld, and plug-on transmitters. It is also compatible with EW 500

Includes receiver, CL100 cable, & ME2 mic. 



Sennheiser Evolution EW 100 ENG G3 este un Kit complex de microfon cu doua emitatoare si receptor. El cuprinde un microfon lavaliera omnidirectional SK 100 G3 impreuna cu ME2 , un transmitator SKP 100 G3 cu conector XLR pentru orice microfon profesional si un receptor mobil EK 100 G3 care se instaleaza pe camera video . Transmitatoarele si receptorul au carcasele metalice concepute pentru o utilizare heavy duty . Ideal pentru aplicatiile de televiziune , broadcast si filmari evenimente

Includes receiver, CL100 cable, & ME2 mic. 



RØDE NTG2 este un microfon usor tip condenser, conceput pentru aplicatii profesionale in industria filmului, video, televiziune si productie.NTG2 este alimentat fie de la o baterie AA (1.5V), fie de la o baterie phantom P48, care poate fi furnizata de camere profesionale, recordere audio si surse de alimentare.

In plus fata de raspunsul nativ in frecventa de 20Hz-20kHz, este disponibill si filtru Low-Pass la 80Hz, care va preveni inregistrarea zgomotului de fundal scazut cum ar fi aparatele de aer conditionat sau traficul.

Greutatea sa redusa (161gm fara baterie) il face un microfon ideal pentru deplasari



The MKH 60 is a lightweight short gun microphone. It is versatile and easy to handle and its superb lateral sound muting makes it an excellent choice for film and reporting applications. Its high degree of directivity ensures high sound quality for distance applications. Extremely low inherent self-noise, High sensitivity High directivity throughout the whole frequency range. Transformer less and fully floating balanced output, Infra-sonic cut-off filter, Symmetrical transducer technology ensures extremely low distortion. Switchable pre-attenuation, switchable roll-off filter and switchable treble emphasis, rugged and weatherproof Black, anodized light metal casing.

Includes zeppelin, deadcat, boom ople and 5m xlr cable.

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